About US

Who we are & what we do

Sofie creative design

Web design & marketing

Welcome to Evelyn Photo. We gathered years of experience in photo design and Photoshop along with HTML, CSS, and javascript coding to be able to provide attractive and creative websites. In addition to static sites, we recently started the section of dynamic websites with PHP backend. PHP is the most important and widespread programming language in the world of websites, which is used by many popular CRMs such as WordPress.



First things first , quality is the most important factor every website visitors , so we tried to dedicate ourselves to design a high quality platform for clients , beside the design itself , the elements should be put together with proper size and colors . A quality website has the important and quality content together, and doesn’t focus on more or less design than it should.



The design must be permanent. Therefore, we try to make our design compatible and transferable from one platform to another. And also the ability to integrate with plugins and important site codes



Instead of imitating other sites, we try to design creative sites and implement their tastes and opinions in addition to suggesting templates to customers.



And most importantly, the security of a website. Please note that static websites do not need security and dynamic websites must be checked for security. Also note that the security depends on the host from which you get the hosting service for your site

Offered Services

what we offer for you

All the services are checked step by step with you before ordering, so that the design can be done according to your needs. To know the prices and contact us, use the buttons below

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Next Levels

Want to be a professional

Professional Services

Our professional services, including branding and business development, as well as mobile application (web application), are for people who want to work on the Internet at a higher level.

Websites development

Design Website with HTML , CSS , JAVA Script and fully dynamic websites with PHP programming language and also database design even for ecommerce .

Digital marketing

SEO compatible website , with free Plugins for SEO for CRMs such as WordPress or Joomla , and SEO friendly designs with complying the SEO rules for a website

Mobile apps

Native mobile apps (web apps) which the source codes can be extracted as Android or IOS systems , user friendly and fast with (React JS and MySQL – Redis database)


Online shops with Product based designs , Offered WooCommerce free set up , which is suitable for large scale online shops

Brand management

Before starting a business , the most important thing is a unique brand , to start a business based on standard criteria

unique name

a dedicated logo

and unique Idea

may guarantee a business


For sure you need a hosting service for host your website and your data , we can set the service up on your hosting service or recommend a proper one

Complex Ecommerce Sollution


For a better and effective experience for an online store
You need a suitable branding, practical design and also smart advertising. We will help you in every step

Professional Photo Editing


Do you want to edit your photos according to the website's coloring and elements?
The best team is the website design team


Fair prices. Excellent service.


  • Basic design before coding
  • Logo desing included
  • PSD and PDF file
  • Real content for the website will be provided
  • The possibility of color suggestions
  • The final design and the initial design are the same in terms of size and appearance

Premade WordPress

  • Wordpress with premade Template
  • Logo desing included
  • Real content for the website will be provided
  • Free Domain included (one domain per website)
  • About us , contact us , and Sample blog page
  • Free set up on the host

Dedicated Template Design

  • Dedicated Desgin based on the PSD file
  • Logo desing included
  • Real content for the website will be provided
  • Free Domain included (one domain per website)
  • About us , contact us , and Sample blog page + Dedicated product page for Ecommerce (protofolio or complete blog design for none Ecommerce websites)
  • Email set up based on Domain (two emails allowed)

Complete Ecommerce design

  • Dynamic PHP Code Design (Laravel PHP)
  • Logo desing included
  • Web app can be extracted (for speeding up needs Reac JS front end)
  • Real content for the website will be provided
  • Free Domain included (one domain per website)
  • Complete required page delivery
  • Email set up based on Domain (two emails allowed)
  • 3 month 2 Gig Hosting included


Start a project with us!


21 Sydney St, Flint, CH6 5LA


+1 2404891065

Let's start a project together!

Do not hesitate to contact us in case you need help or consultant

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